Does glyphosate cause cancer?

This was a huge story over the weekend- Mansanto will pay $289 million dollars in damages to a man whose terminal cancer was traced to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup.
We should thank Dewayne Johnson, for taking on Mansanto or for getting this terminal disease?
The story!
Johnson worked as a groundskeeper at a school near San Francisco for 2 years, spraying Roundup on school grounds 20 to 40 times a year, hundreds gallons at a time.
He accused Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide caused his cancer and that the company did not warn against the product’s fatal effects.
2 years after starting his job in 2012, Johnson was diagnosed with cancer. He filed the lawsuit against Monsanto two years later after being unable to work due to the disease.
Does glyphosate cause cancer?
Does glyphosate, the active ingredient in the widely used weedkiller Roundup, cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma?
Much of this litigation is based on a 2015 determination by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen.
The research done in 2015 by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) found glyphosate in farmers’ urine and blood, chromosome damage in cells, increased risks of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in some exposed individuals, and tumor formation in some animals. Prior to that announcement, the EPA had determined that science provided no evidence linking glyphosate to cancer. In light of the WHO research, the EPA has begun an investigation into the potential health risks of glyphosate.
This report has come under heavy criticism, which is not surprising because there’s a lot of money at stake.
Reasons for Concern:
Glyphosate Risks to Human Health
1. Cancer
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Bone Cancer
Colon Cancer
Kidney Cancer
Liver Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Thyroid Cancer
2. Endocrine Disruption and Hormone Hacking Capabilities
Glyphosate also acts as an endocrine disruptor in human population
3. Binding of vital nutrients
Glyphosate binds (chelates) vital nutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, and boron in the soil, preventing plants from taking them up, which could mean loss of basic minerals and nutrients in food crops and soil as a result
4. Antibiotic or Biocidal Properties Cause Concern
Glyphosate is also patented as an antibiotic or biocide, meaning that beyond its use as an herbicide to kill weeds it in most likelihood has a significant harmful effect on humans and farm animals by killing beneficial microorganisms in the gut
Foods with high Levels of Glyphosate:
Foods that contain higher levels of glyphosate:
Soy (this means soy products and soy or vegetable oil)
Corn, corn containing foods such as cereals and corn oil
Canola seeds used in canola oil
Beets and beet sugar
Dried peas
Sweat potatoes
The CFIA, a Canadian federal government agency, tested 3188 foods over the previous 2 years released their findings, which include:
Food Tested | % of Foods Found to Contain Glyphosate |
Bean/pea/lentil products | 47.4% |
Bean/pea/lentil products | 47.4% |
Grain products | 36.6% |
Infant cereal | 31.7% |
Other infant food | 30.7% |
Juice and other beverages | 31.7% |
Infant cereal | 16.3% |
Processed fruits and vegetables | 12.1% |
Fresh fruits and vegetables | 7.3% |
Overall, 29.7% of the thousands of foods tested contained glyphosate.
I have read many studies and reports on glyphosate and have never seen a single study that shows that there is actually a safe amount of glyphosate to ingest,
It is far more significant that almost a 1/3 of the food supply tested in the study contained glyphosate. That’s alarming and unacceptable.
It’s also alarming and unacceptable that nearly 1/3 of the infant foods tested contained glyphosate residues. Obviously, there are many possible factors for the increasing rates of cancers, including childhood cancers, but I can’t help but wonder how many children’s cancers or deaths could have been stopped if we simply stopped feeding them food with residues of cancer-causing pesticides??
It is extremely concerning that we are being told by experts that the levels of glyphosate present in foods is “quite safe”. No amount of poison in any food is safe to consume, especially when we are talking a large number of food products on the supermarket shelves and in all fast foods which are becoming the staple diet of far too many people.
I am a believer that ADHD, autism, dementia and similar diseases are directly related to diet/food intake. Our bodies are being flooded with toxins every day of our lives as well as dangerous levels of sugar – it’s no wonder the incidences of obesity, diabetes, cancer and chronic heart disease are increasing exponentially
– NO poison, no matter how minute a trace, is safe to ingest
I hope this is the beginning of the end for the rampant use of toxic pesticides.