Coconut Oil Is ‘Pure Poison’ Says Harvard Professor!!

True or False?
In an online video that has gone viral, a Harvard professor, Karin Michel’s, calls the popular food nowadays: coconut oil, “pure poison.”
Months before that, USA Today published their article, “Coconut Oil Isn’t Healthy. It’s Never Been Healthy.”
The case against coconut oil from the American Heart Association and the Professor relies on the idea that saturated fats raise a person’s LDL cholesterol and that cholesterol causes heart disease. The only problem? NO data supports that hypothesis.
There is not a single study showing that coconut oil causes heart disease. Not one.
The whole case against coconut oil is founded on a hypothesis that has been proven wrong. It’s the diet-heart hypothesis. Saturated fat raises LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol causes heart disease. Anything that raises LDL cholesterol is bad. Only problem is that the data does not support this hypothesis.
All recent studies have shown no link between saturated fat and heart disease. You can read most of the important references below.
A study was completed over 40 years ago, but it wasn’t published because the results contradicted the notion that saturated fat was bad and that LDL cholesterol caused heart disease
9,000 people were fed in mental hospitals butter and saturated fats or corn oil (polyunsaturated vegetable oil). Result: Those who ate the corn oil had more heart attacks and deaths, despite lowering their LDL cholesterol
Fact: for every 30-point drop in LDL the risk of heart attack went up 22%.
In a recent review looking at 6.5 million patient years of butter eating, researchers found that butter eaters had no increased risk of heart disease, but they did have decreased risk of type 2 diabetes. Remember it was published in the famous TIMES magazine article! “EAT BUTTER”
We found 17 reviews and relevant research showing no link between saturated fat and heart disease.
One study of over 130,000 people who had heart attacks over 5 years showed that 75% had normal LDL and 50 percent had optimal LDL cholesterol. But only 10 percent had normal HDL or the protective cholesterol.
And what raises HDL? Saturated fat. And coconut oil raises it the most of any saturated fat. And what lowers it? A low-fat, high-starch, and high-sugar diet.
We need cholesterol and saturated fat for the health of every cell membrane, for our brain cells, our sex hormones and more.
Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, it is the band-aid that tries to repair the arteries when damage occurs from a low-fat, high-starch, high sugar diet. This causes pre-diabetes and inflammation from a processed food diet, environmental toxins, a bad gut from a low fiber, processed diet or anything that causes inflammation.
Before we get off saturated fats, here’s one advice. They ARE a problem if you eat them in the context of a high-sugar, high-starch, processed foods diet. Stay away. No butter or French fries. Stick with coconut butter and healthy diet.
Saturated fats make your cholesterol molecules stable and less likely to oxidize or go rancid. It is oxidized cholesterol that causes heart attacks.
Is Coconut Oil Healthy?
What’s the deal? Kale is healthy but if that’s all you ate you would get sick. Coconut oil is healthy but only as part of an overall healthy diet. Coconut oil has been consumed by populations in the South Pacific for thousands of years without side effects. It has so many health benefits.
It raises HDL, the good cholesterol.
It improves the quality and size and type of cholesterol.
It lowers the total cholesterol to HDL ratio – a far better predictor of heart disease than LDL. And populations with 60 % of their diet as coconut oil have no heart disease.
It contains a unique type of saturated fat called MCT oil that boosts metabolism, reverses insulin resistance, and improves cognitive function.
Coconut oil is also anti-fungal and anti-microbial and it contains lauric acid that is great for immune function. The only other good source of lauric acid is breast milk, which contains 24% saturated fat
Hopefully reading this helped make a better decision about your diet,
Live well
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